One of the most common questions that applicants for SocialSecurity ask their Greensboro Social Security disability lawyer is whether they can receive other types of benefits while also receiving Social Security. This question commonly arises when applicants are receiving unemployment compensation.
Your Greensboro Social Security disability lawyer can explain if there are any drawbacks to receiving both types of benefits. For example, the onset date can be very important. If you allege in your application for disability benefits that your onset date is the same day that you were laid off from your job, you may also use this date as the one you use for your unemployment benefits. Your Greensboro Social Security disability lawyer can explain that when a person receives unemployment compensation, he or she is stating that the individual is ready, willing and able to work.
However, when a person applies for disability benefits, he or she is stating that the impairment prevents him or her from working for at least one year. Due to this conflict of allegations, your Greensboro Social Security disability lawyer can explain the difficulty of receiving compensation from both programs simultaneously. Your attorney may discuss whether you should provide a different onset date. To make an informed decision on this subject, your attorney will want to ensure that he or she understands the nature of your impairment, your layoff and your limitations.
If you would like more information about whether you can receive both types of compensation at the same time, contact a Greensboro Social Security disability lawyer from the Bridgman Law Offices by calling (704) 815-6055.
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