If you are scheduled for a disability hearing, contact a Charlotte disability attorney at Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055 for more information.
You should arrive approximately thirty minutes before your hearing is scheduled to begin, unless your Charlotte disability attorney has given you other instructions. Regardless of what your Notice of Hearing may tell you, you will not need to come any sooner than that. Your Charlotte disability attorney will have examined your hearing exhibit file ahead of time, thus eliminating any need on your part to do so (although you are permitted to see it if you so desire). First and foremost, please respect the fact that these hearings follow a set schedule and tardiness is unacceptable, so either be early or be on time.
This is a common question. Dress comfortably. This is only a hearing, so formal attire is not required. You should be dressed neatly and sensibly, but you can be casual.
Please take your hearing seriously. This no time for comedy. Neither is it a time for careless discussion of your case with anyone other than your attorney at any time other than during the meeting. There is a time and place for you to talk about your case. Before or after the hearing is not the time, and the lobby, elevator, and corridors are absolutely not the proper places. To avoid misunderstandings on the part of a staff member who might be within earshot, it is best to keep your situation private.
Your cell phone be off during the meeting.
If you are scheduled for a Social Security Disability hearing, don’t wait. Contact a Charlotte disability attorney at Bridgman Law Offices by calling (704) 815-6055 and get the help you need.
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