Social Security Disability benefits are meant to provide income for people who are not able to earn a living due to injury, illness or other condition. However, many people who…
Before the Social Security Administration will let you collect any disability benefits, it needs to know the nature of your impairment, and how it prevents you from working. It should…
The Social Security Administration recently announced an increase in benefit amounts for people who receive checks through Social Security retirement, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. The benefit…
It is incredibly difficult when a person is struggling with a condition that is not physically apparent. Invisible illnesses can be extremely painful and debilitating, even affecting a person’s ability…
Eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits is based in part on work credits. To be eligible for SSD benefits, a person must have worked enough, and recently enough. The…
Social Security Disability Insurance provides benefits for qualifying people who can no longer work because of disabling mental conditions. Under some circumstances, disabling conditions can include severe cases of depression,…
Sometimes a disabled person must continue to provide for their family members. Fortunately, Social Security Disability can provide benefits for certain members of your family based on your record. These…
Many residents of Charlotte who suffer from a mental disorder believe that they are not eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits. This belief is unfortunate because persons who suffer…
When you are unable to work due to a disabling medical condition, physical injury or type of mental illness, it can lead to grave financial circumstances. It’s important for your…
Crohn’s disease is an inflammation of the lower bowel. It can cause severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. In its most severe form, Crohn’s disease can interfere…
When a North Carolina resident is diagnosed with a serious and debilitating illness, it will inevitably impact multiple areas of their life. Getting medical treatment to address the issue, working…
When applying for Social Security disability benefits in North Carolina, the impairments the applicant suffers from will be a critical factor in the decision Disability Determination Services makes on behalf…
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