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Author Archives: Daniel A. Bridgman

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Will an injury support a disability claim even if it was treated?

Serious injuries can leave victims with life-long pain and suffering. Whether a North Carolina resident suffered harm in a vehicle accident, while performing the duties of their work or in…

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Legal help with Social Security disability benefits claims

Charlotte residents who follow the news may have read stories in the last few months about the long waits that some Americans are facing as they apply for Social Security…

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Developmental disorders may lead to disability benefits

Children are born into loving North Carolina families every day. These families are prepared to provide those kids with whatever love and support that they need to thrive. While many…

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What is the purpose of SSI?

Supplemental Security Income, often referred to as “SSI,” is a federal program that provides financial support to certain individuals. It is often confused with Social Security Disability benefits, which is…

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Disability benefits for heart disease

The human heart is a miraculous thing. It beats and sends blood through the body, providing every system with oxygen and sustaining life through its regular operation. North Carolina residents…

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Seeking disability for Sjogren’s Syndrome

You may have begun noticing the symptoms soon after you turned 40. Your eyes always felt dry and gritty no matter how often you used eye drops. Your mouth was…

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What does “substantial gainful activity” mean?

According to the definition of disability provided by the Social Security Administration, a person may be deemed disabled and therefore potentially eligible for disability benefits if they are unable to do “substantial…

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Anxiety disorders are varied and can be disabling

The term “anxiety” is often associated with stress, fear and other sentiments of worry or concern. From time to time practically all North Carolina residents will experience it, whether they…

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Disability benefits appeal takes time and are too slow for some

When a person applies for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, they must follow the procedural steps that this governmental entity has put into place to allow for the…

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The right information for individuals who are unable to work

At our law firm, we are dedicated to supporting the legal needs of North Carolina residents who are unable to work because of disabling medical conditions. Disabilities can be long-term…

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What is a representative payee for SSD benefits?

Illnesses and injuries can be disabling and individuals who are unable to support themselves because of their disabilities may qualify for benefits from the Social Security Administration. This North Carolina…

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Disability benefits for social anxiety disorder

You are not shy, and you may resent when people describe you that way. In fact, your problem goes much deeper than shyness to an often paralyzing fear. While it…

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Bridgman Gantt Law Offices