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Candidate for spinal fusion? You may also qualify for disability.

North Carolina readers know how significantly a back injury or condition can affect their lives. Serious back pain can affect your ability to work, complete daily tasks without pain and…

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Disability benefits for autism spectrum disorders

According to the advocacy group Autism Speaks, autism spectrum disorder is a class of conditions that can affect a person’s social, communicative and behavioral development. It is not unusual for…

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Can I get both workers’ comp and SSD benefits?

As this blog has discussed on previous occasions, a Charlotte worker who gets hurt on the job and winds up with a permanent disability as a result may qualify for…

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Disabling diagnosis may cause eligibility for disability benefits

It is a diagnosis that no person wants to receive, but too many Charlotte residents get each year: cancer. Just recently, this Social Security Disability benefits legal blog discussed how…

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Does my child’s illness qualify for SSI?

Every expectant parent hopes and may pray for an easy labor and delivery, as well as a healthy newborn to add to their family. While many Charlotte residents are able…

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Your diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and disability benefits

North Carolina readers are aware of their right to certain types of financial support in the event that a medical condition takes their ability to work. Individuals who can no…

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Periodic reviews may bring disability benefits to their end

Individuals who have looked into applying for Social Security Disability benefits may believe that once they are approved for benefits that those benefits will not be terminated. While this is…

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How is blindness defined by the Social Security Administration?

Many North Carolina residents wear glasses or contact lenses to improve the quality of their eye sight. It is possible for people with significant near or far-sightedness to improve their…

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Mental illness can significantly impact the ability to work

Mental illnesses and psychiatric conditions are often misunderstood because they do not always manifest with physical symptoms. While it is easy for a Charlotte resident to demonstrate their disability if…

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What if my claim was denied after a reconsideration hearing?

Not long ago this Charlotte-based Social Security disability benefits law blog offered its readers a post on the reconsideration hearing process for disability benefits applicants. An applicant’s claim may be…

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Cancer may serve as basis for a Social Security Disability claim

Every year thousands of Americans are diagnosed with cancer. Generally, cancer is an anomalous growth of cells in a person’s body. There are more than 100 types of cancer that…

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Applying for benefits: What you need to apply

When a medical condition, injury or other issue prevents you from working, your financial well-being is at stake. It could be important to seek financial support through a claim for…

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