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Greensboro Disability Lawyers Discuss How The Ssa Views Stress And Mental Impairments

When you are applying for Social Security disability insurance benefits due to a stress or mental impairment, your Greensboro disability lawyers will explain to you how the Social Security Administration…

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Social Security Disability (SSD) and fibromyalgia syndrome

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic condition characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue and tenderness in specific areas of the body. While it is a condition that can significantly impact…

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How to qualify for SSD with trauma-related disorders

Trauma-related disorders require exposure to a stressful or traumatic event. The psychological impact of trauma usually begins following the event and continues for days to months. Acute stress disorder, for…

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How to adjust to your new normal after an SCI

Spinal cord injuries are among the most common catastrophic injuries that workers face on a construction site. Damage to your spinal cord can result in permanent changes to your sensation,…

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How can work-related stress result in heart problems?

Undergoing chronic stress in the workplace can impact your life. When most people think of injuries in the workplace, they think about accidents that result in physical injuries. However, invisible…

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Can people with disabilities apply for Medicaid?

Disability claims can sometimes take quite a while to process. During this time, individuals might still need financial support with medical costs. To that end, is it possible for people…

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How does your job impact your SSD benefits?

Not just anyone can apply for and receive disability payments through Social Security. In addition to having a qualified injury, you also need to have fulfilled certain parameters with your…

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What are common injuries in warehouses?

Warehouses are known for being a hotbed of workplace accidents and injuries, due in part to the high level of risk inherent in the job itself. Knowing the most common…

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Expediting processing through the TERI program

When debilitating health conditions keep them from working for an extended period or permanently, many people turn to Social Security Disability benefits to help support themselves and their families. Should…

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How long can you work with fibromyalgia?

Regardless of where you work or the job duties you perform, it is perfectly normal to feel tired at the end of a long workweek. For most, though, resting for…

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How much might you receive if approved for SSDI?

When you become unable to work in North Carolina because of a serious illness or medical condition, you may be eligible to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance. Whether you…

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Social Security Disability versus early retirement

Workers in valuable but highly physical industries, such as construction and manufacturing, are subject to an increased risk of sustaining a workplace injury or illness. As someone from such an…

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Bridgman Gantt Law Offices