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Author Archives: Daniel A. Bridgman

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Waiting Periods for Workers’ Compensation Benefits

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefits matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. What happens in a SS disability hearing?

A. SS disability hearings are informal. The decisions are made by an Administrative Law Judge, most of whom live in Greenville, SC. The people likely to be present at the…

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Q. Does SS disability pay for my medical bills?

A. Not immediately. If you are receiving Disability Insurance Benefits, Disabled Widows or Widowers Benefits or Disabled Adult Child Benefits, you must wait for twenty-four (24) months before qualifying for…

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Social Security Disability and Your Employment

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefits matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. How long do I have to wait to file SS disability benefits?

A. No waiting period at all. You can file for SS disability the day you become disabled. SS law requires that your disabling condition either result in death or last…

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Contemporaneous Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability Benefit

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefits matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. Can a child disabled since birth get SS disability benefits even if he has never worked?

A. Yes. If the child is under age eighteen (18) and you are poor enough, he may be able to qualify for SSI child’s disability benefits. If the child is…

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Q. How do lawyers get paid for handling SS disability cases?

A. Most attorneys charge a contingent fee which is the lesser of $5300 or 25% percent of your back benefits. A contingent fee means that if your claim is denied,…

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Resolution of Social Security Disability Cases: A Timeframe Overview

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefits matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. How do lawyers get paid for handling WC cases?

A. Generally, lawyers will charge a contingent fee of 25% of the settlement. Contingent fees are payable only if the case is successful. While most fees are set at the…

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Workers’ Compensation Injuries and the Complex Nature of the Law

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefits matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. If I win my SS disability case, how much “back pay” will I get?

A. The exact amount of “back pay” will be determined by which SS program you are eligible for. The two (2) main SS disability programs are SSD and SSI. For…

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