A. Yes. SS law requires only that the disabling condition (1) result in death OR (2) exist for a period of twelve (12) months or more. No part of SS…
A. Yes. While age is an extremely important consideration in deciding disability cases, the SS office will also look at education, job experience, and vocational possibilities in a national job…
A. Yes. SS law requires a consideration of mental as well as physical factors in deciding disability. The key to establishing disability is the proof that the disability condition continue…
A. SS law reviews the overall impact of your cumulative ailments in deciding whether you are disabled or not. A review of your age, education, past work experience, and vocational…
A. The amount of monthly SS checks will depend on what type of program you are entitled to. If you are a SSI program recipient, the amount will be based…
A. Congress has passed legislation that severely limits the receipt of Social Security (SS) benefits if your substance abuse problems contribute to your disability. While the current law is very…
A. A very small number of applicants are awarded benefits in North Carolina before the ALJ hearing. Social Security (SS) decisions and opinions prior to the ALJ hearing are generally…
A. There are a large number of Social Security Appeals and it is often many months before each level of an appeal is decided. You are generally given four to…
A. Yes, but your Social Security check will be reduced or offset by the amount of your Workers’ Compensation check. Social Security law mandates an offset of disability checks when…
A. Social Security law requires that you report any income or benefits while you are receiving checks. You cannot work and be disabled at the same time. However, Social Security…
A. Generally, yes. Social Security law requires that you be disabled for a period of twelve (12) months or more. You become eligible for Workers’ Compensation weekly checks when you…
You are eligible for Social Security disability benefits WHEN you have mental and/or physical problems severe enough to keep you from working for a period of twelve (12) months or…
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