The advice and guidance of an experienced Charlotte disability lawyers can be invaluable. Call Bridgman & Serbin at (704) 815-6055.
As Charlotte disability lawyers, we are often asked some form of this question: Can I receive Social Security disability benefits if I am receiving workers’ compensation benefits? The short answer is, “Yes.” Workers’ compensation pays benefits to individuals injured on the job, whether that injury results in a short-term or long-term disability, or a partial or total disability. Social Security disability benefits, on the other hand, are paid to individuals who have a severe, long-term disability, which prevents them from engaging in any type of substantial, gainful employment. The two are not mutually exclusive, so you may receive benefits under both programs (though you may be asked about statements you made on your application for workers’ compensation benefits at your Social Security disability benefits hearing). Receipt of workers’ compensation benefits may, however, reduce the amount of your Social Security disability benefits. As a general rule, the total amount of your workers’ compensation benefits and Social Security disability benefits cannot exceed 80-percent of your average current earnings before you became disabled.
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