To speak with a knowledgeable Charlotte Social Security disability lawyer, contact Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055.
Aside from your medical evidence, your personal testimony as to the severity of your symptoms may be one of the most important aspects of your application for disability benefits. The Social Security Administration employs a multi-layered review of claims for benefits and will consider a number of resources before making a decision. The first threshold determination will involve a review of whether your medical condition, and its typical resulting effects, amount to a “medically determinable” condition eligible for recognition as a disability. If you pass this threshold and your condition is considered medically determinable under the SSA’s guidelines, adjudicators will then review the severity of your subjective claim to decide if you are, in fact, too disabled to work.
Your testimony, if deemed credible, could serve as a pivotal piece of evidence in your case. If your medical condition is one that is not normally considered disabling, the SSA may still consider your personal experience with the condition when making its decision. SSA adjudicators are required to consider the notion that not every condition affects all individuals the same way and some people are more affected by certain symptoms than others. This is the point when your personal account of your symptoms becomes extremely important in helping the SSA decide if it should approve your claim. You may also submit testimony by those with firsthand knowledge of the effects of your condition.
For more information about the claim review process or to speak with a knowledgeable Charlotte Social Security disability lawyer, contact Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055 today.
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