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Common Workplace Injuries in North Carolina [2024]

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Thousands of people suffer injuries at work in North Carolina each year. While some industries are inherently more dangerous than others, it is possible for anyone in any line of work to suffer a work-related injury. These injuries often require expensive medical care and can prevent people from working until they recover. The Bridgman Gantt Law Offices has years of experience helping clients with common workplace injuries in North Carolina.

Most Common Workplace Injuries in North Carolina

No matter where you work in North Carolina, it is important to know the risks you face every day in your workplace and the most common workplace injuries in North Carolina. This can hopefully reduce your risk of suffering a job-related injury. Some of the most commonly cited workplace injuries throughout the state each year include:

  • Repetitive stress injuries. This type of injury does not happen from a single cause. Instead, it develops over time due to the repeated physical tasks an employee performs each day at work. The symptoms of a repetitive stress injury may be minor at first, or they may be mistaken for less serious conditions. However, over time, a repetitive stress injury can eventually become debilitating or even result in permanent damage.
  • Injuries from falls. Falls are one of the most common workplace injuries for construction workers and workers in many other fields. Even a slip and fall in an office building has the potential to cause devastating injuries. Generally, the height and location of a fall will determine the total severity of the resulting injuries.
  • Transportation accident injuries. Anyone who is required to drive a vehicle for work faces the same risks of an accident on the road as they would when driving their personal vehicle. When a vehicle accident happens while you are performing your job duties, you may not only qualify for workers’ compensation benefits but also have grounds for a separate claim against an at-fault driver if another party caused the accident.
  • Injuries and illnesses from exposure. Many people perform jobs that require working in dangerous conditions or in close proximity to harmful substances. Chemical burns, respiratory conditions, brain damage, and a host of other medical complications can arise from environmental conditions in the workplace. Affected workers must prove their condition directly resulted from work to qualify for benefits.
  • Sensory damage. Some of the most serious work-related injuries in North Carolina pertain to sensory damage, such as hearing loss or blindness resulting from an accident at work. These are complex cases and affected workers need legal counsel they can trust to guide them through workers’ compensation claim proceedings and to secure the benefits they need to recover.

These are only a few examples of the most common workplace injuries in North Carolina. If you or a loved one recently suffered any type of harm at work or discovered a medical condition you believe is the result of your job duties, you need to consult a workers’ compensation lawyer right away. An attorney can help you understand the workers’ compensation claim filing process and secure the benefits you need to recover.


Q: What Is the Most Common Form of Workplace Injury?

A: One of the most common types of workplace injuries is repetitive stress injury. This type of injury happens gradually over time due to a worker performing the same physical tasks repeatedly while at work. Repetitive stress injuries can include soft tissue damage, arthritis and joint pain, and chronic back pain. Some of these conditions can be resolved with appropriate medical care, and many will require ongoing rehabilitative treatments.

Q: Which Industries Have the Highest Rate of Workplace Injuries?

A: The industries with the highest rates of workplace injuries include construction, commercial logging, commercial fishing, and agriculture. It is possible for workplace injuries to happen in any industry, but these industries, in particular, are inherently dangerous in many ways. If you work in any high-risk industry, it is vital to understand how your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance works and what you can expect if you suffer an injury.

Q: Can I Be Ineligible to Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits in North Carolina?

A: You may be deemed ineligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits in North Carolina for various reasons. Your employment status is one potential issue. Workers’ comp generally does not cover independent contractors and certain types of workers. You may also be disqualified if you caused your injury yourself due to gross negligence in the workplace or if you were working while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Q: How Much Can I Receive in Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

A: The amount you can receive in workers’ compensation benefits will depend on how much you typically earn from work and the overall severity of your injury. All medical expenses related to the workplace injury will be covered by your employer’s insurance carrier. The disability benefits you receive each week will amount to a portion of your usual weekly wage. These benefits may be issued as “partial” or “total,” depending on the severity of your condition.

Q: Why Should I Hire an Attorney for a Workers’ Compensation Case?

A: You should hire an attorney for a workers’ compensation case because you are far more likely to secure a positive outcome for your case with their help. An attorney can guide you through the claim filing process and address any issues you encounter with your employer or their insurance company. Once you receive a determination of benefits, an attorney can help ensure it is fair and help you explore any available avenues for additional compensation.

The Legal Team at Bridgman Gantt Can Help

The legal team at Bridgman Gantt Law Offices has successfully helped many clients recover worker’s compensation benefits for common workplace injuries in North Carolina. Whatever your case requires, you can count on our firm to provide ongoing support until you secure the benefits you need to recover. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team and learn more about the legal services we provide.

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