By most indicators, the national economy is headed in a positive direction. Unfortunately, there are many people in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia who won’t be along for the ride. For these individuals, a disability might prevent them from entering the workforce. Instead, they are struggling to make ends meet and are wondering if there are any options for help.
Fortunately, some disabled individuals may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income, also known as “SSI.” SSI benefits, unlike Social Security Disability, aren’t awarded based on a person’s former participation in the workforce. Instead, SSI benefits are based on a person’s lack of resources and inability to earn an income.
But, as much as SSI benefits might help some people, others are daunted by the prospect of even applying for benefits. Why? Well, it’s probably no secret that it can be difficult to be approved to receive some federal benefits, like Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability benefits. However, our readers shouldn’t think that the process is so complicated that they might as well bypass it altogether.
At Bridgman Law Offices, we do our best to help our clients understand the requirements that need to be met in order to qualify to receive Supplemental Security Income. Then, we help them throughout the application process, hopefully resulting in a quick approval. For more information about how our law firm might be able to help you get the right information about SSI benefits, please visit the Supplemental Security Income section of our website.
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