Disabled workers who receive Social Security disability benefits must understand that the federal government may terminate those much-needed benefits. In 2019, the Social Security Administration (SSA) ceased providing benefit payments…
Many workers who contemplate seeking Social Security disability (SSD) benefits have so many questions. They know that their medical situation will prevent them from working a long time – at…
The chances that the government denies your claim for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits are good. Join the club because two-thirds of all people who seek the much-needed benefits receive…
North Carolina imposes strict deadlines on workers’ compensation claims. If you miss this deadline, even by a day, you could lose the right to receive the benefits that you need.…
The waiting game can be a long one when seeking Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. Even so, you must not procrastinate when applying for these crucial benefits to help you…
When workers in Charlotte, North Carolina, get injured, they often cannot perform their job at full capacity as they once did. Even with good health insurance, the medical bills from…
Would creating a national registry of survivors of COVID-19 be an effective tool to better understand what has happened to millions of Americans who suffer from the long-term systems of…
While there are several factors that ultimately affect your Social Security benefits, the income you have earned over the course of your lifetime is probably the most crucial one. In…
While the federal government struggles with indecision in addressing whether COVID-19 “long-haulers” qualify for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, the physical and emotional struggles persist among the people who have…
Last year’s arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic and the thousands of patients who have suffered from its long-term ill effects have forced federal lawmakers to take a hard look at…
Two recent UK studies imply that middle-aged women treated for COVID-19 suffer the most long-lasting symptoms of the virus compared with other demographics. Five months after hospital treatment, roughly 70%…
The initial signs of COVID-19 were unmistakable. You lost your sense of taste, you struggled to breathe, a high fever lingered along with a sore throat, headaches and chronic fatigue.…
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