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Q. What is an Administrative Law Judge Social Security Hearing?

A. Social Security hearings are held by a judge called an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The hearings are relatively informal and have no District Attorney or U.S. Attorney present representing…

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Workers’ Compensation Benefits When You Cannot Return to Work

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability benefits. Contact David Gantt at…

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Q. What should I do when Social Security denies my claim?

A. Most claimants are denied several times before they receive a favorable decision on their claim. DO NOT GIVE UP. Your best opportunity to prove your disability occurs with a…

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Q. Once I am approved for SSD, will I be reviewed for continued disability?

A. Probably. You have an ongoing requirement to report any earned income while you draw SS disability checks. SS will not terminate your benefits unless your medical condition has improved.…

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Child Eligibility for Social Security Benefits and Social Security Insurance

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability benefits. Contact David Gantt at…

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Q. If I make a settlement in a personal injury arising out of a work injury, do I have to pay the workers’ compensation insurance back for money they have already paid me?

Sometimes. NC law is very complicated on these obligations. A Superior Court Judge can be asked to set what, if any, lien is due the workers’ compensation insurance carrier when…

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Reopening Workers’ Compensation Cases

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefit matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. Can I draw private disability checks while also receiving Social Security checks for disability?

A. Yes. The terms of your private disability checks are contractual and control whether these payments are pro-rated or changed by the receipt of Social Security checks. Federal law requires…

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Q. Can I draw private disability checks while also receiving workers’ compensation checks for disability?

A. Yes. The terms of your private disability checks are contractual and control whether these payments are pro-rated or changed by the receipt of workers’ compensation checks. NC law requires…

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Drug and Alcohol Dependency and Social Security Disability

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefit matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Q. Can I work for any period of time and still receive SS disability benefits?

A. Generally, No. You are required to report any earnings or substantial gainful activity to the SS office as a condition of receiving monthly disability checks. Congress has recognized the…

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NC Workers’ Comp Covers Many Different Kinds of Injuries

David Gantt is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law. He represents individuals in matters regarding workers’ compensation and Social Security disability benefits matters. Contact David Gantt…

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Bridgman Gantt Law Offices