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Social Security Benefits: Accurately Describing Your Condition

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A disability lawyer in Charlotte, NC knows the importance of accurately describing your condition to the SSA. Call Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055.

A disability lawyer in Charlotte, NC knows the importance of accurately describing your condition to the SSA (Social Security Administration). Not describing it fully enough (or describing it inaccurately) can mean severe consequences.

Disability Lawyers In Charlotte, NC Recommend Giving A Full Description Of Your Injuries

Disability lawyers in Charlotte, NC, often recommend that clients give a full description of their injuries and abilities to ALJs (administrative law judges) at any hearings they attend. Sometimes, applicants skip over details that are often crucial to their case, or try to put on a “brave face” in front of the judge and witnesses. Other times, applicants may have conditions that are difficult to speak about. But disability attorneys in Charlotte, NC know how important it is to supply this information. Without a full, detailed description of your injuries, you may never get the benefits you need and deserve.

Disability Lawyers In Charlotte, NC Recommend Being Honest

On the other hand, some individuals may wish to exaggerate their condition in hopes that this increases their chances of receiving disability benefits. However, this is an unwise decision because doing so can not only lead to a denial of benefits, but charges of fraud as well.

Disability Attorneys In Charlotte, NC Are On Your Side

To learn more about how an attorney can help you prepare for your hearing and maximize your odds of receiving disability benefits, contact a disability lawyer in Charlotte, NC at Bridgman Law Offices. Call today at (704) 815-6055 to schedule a free initial consultation.

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