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How To Win Your Social Security Disability Case in North Carolina?

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Tips on How To Win Your SSD Case in NC

At Bridgman Law Offices, we want to see you, our client, succeed in obtaining the Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits you need.

As your attorneys, we will guide you at every step in the process — whether you’re preparing to file your initial application or need to appeal a denial.

  • Get to know your condition: If your disability keeps you out of work (or is expected to keep you out of work) for up to 12 months, you should start thinking about the real-life challenges your disability presents. Although the Social Security Administration (SSA) has a very strict definition of disability and may not consider all the factors your condition presents, your attorney can help you build a strong case while highlighting all relevant effects of your condition.
  • Medical evidence is key: Your medical records are of the utmost importance when establishing your disability claim. It’s important to document all your visits to the doctor, keep your own records and adhere to the treatment plans provided by your doctor.
  • Keep track of how you feel: You are probably not a doctor, but you still know how your disability is affecting your life. Keep track of your symptoms, how you feel, what you’re experiencing and any other information you think is relevant. Write down how you feel each day, describe the pain, note what helps and what doesn’t, note what the pain keeps you from doing, etc. This information will be helpful in establishing a clear record of your condition and may be supported by the findings of your doctors.
  • Be honest about what you’re experiencing:It doesn’t help you to exaggerate your symptoms. Be honest with yourself. Instead of glossing over minor symptoms, write them down in as much detail as possible. With a clear, honest record in place, your lawyer can better help you build a strong claim for benefits.
  • Keep it consistent: Once you start keeping track of your treatment, pain, limitations, etc., don’t stop. The record should be consistent and follow the timeline of your disability. Lapses and gaps in your documentation may hurt your credibility and cause your claim to be denied.

Contact Us To Learn More About Building A Strong Claim

Whether you live in Charlotte or one of the surrounding North Carolina communities, our team at Bridgman Law Offices can help you through all steps in the SSD or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) process. Give us a call at 704-815-6055 to schedule a free consultation. You can also send an email and expect a response within one business day.

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